1. Best product, Best service

        About Aahar

        Best Service For Our Customer

        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cotnsectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore.

        about images
        50% Discount

        For All “Montanara” Pizza

        Don’t Delay to Order

        about images
        50% Discount

        For All “Montanara” Pizza

        Don’t Delay to Order

        The process of our service

        Our Special Pizza

        pizza images


        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectadipisicing labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,

        pizza images


        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectadipisicing labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,

        pizza images


        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectadipisicing labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,

        We Offer Free Delivery

        Order Now: +123654789

        Extremely thin ,juicy,cheeze,fluffy,crispy & light weight Pizza

        flat icon


        flat icon


        flat icon


        All delicious pizza menu for pizza lovers

        Restaurant with Special Menu

        • small $20
        • Medium $40
        • Large $50

        Maxican Food Fev

        Friends & Family Restaurant

        Provolone is the second most popular one. Cheddar may be mixed with Mozzarella to preserve armesan may be added to the top of a pizza,

        • small $20
        • Medium $20
        • Large $60

        Italian Pizza Fev

        Friends & Family Restaurant

        Provolone is the second most popular one. Cheddar may be mixed with Mozzarella to preserve armesan may be added to the top of a pizza,

        • small $30
        • Medium $40
        • Large $20

        Mozzarela Cheez Pizza

        Friends & Family Restaurant

        Provolone is the second most popular one. Cheddar may be mixed with Mozzarella to preserve armesan may be added to the top of a pizza,

        • small $10
        • Medium $60
        • Large $20

        Mozzarela Cheez Pizza

        Friends & Family Restaurant

        Provolone is the second most popular one. Cheddar may be mixed with Mozzarella to preserve armesan may be added to the top of a pizza,

        The process of our service

        Most popular Cuisine For Client Demand

        Demand images
        small images

        Friends Restaurant

        Food Type :Mixed Fruit Custard

        Delivery Time : 60 min, Delivery Cost : Free

        Demand images
        small images

        Italian Pizza Fev

        Food Type :Mixed Fruit Custard

        Delivery Time : 60 min, Delivery Cost : Free

        Demand images
        small images

        Asian Food Fev

        Food Type :Mixed Fruit Custard

        Delivery Time : 60 min, Delivery Cost : Free

        Lorem ipsum dolor samconsectetuadipisicing elit, kjjnin khk seeiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore maaliqua. veniam,

        Mily Cyrus
        Food Expert

        Lorem ipsum dolor samconsectetuadipisicing elit, kjjnin khk seeiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore maaliqua. veniam,

        Mily Cyrus
        Food Expert

        Lorem ipsum dolor samconsectetuadipisicing elit, kjjnin khk seeiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore maaliqua. veniam,

        Mily Cyrus
        Food Expert

        Lorem ipsum dolor samconsectetuadipisicing elit, kjjnin khk seeiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore maaliqua. veniam,

        Mily Cyrus
        Food Expert

        Lorem ipsum dolor samconsectetuadipisicing elit, kjjnin khk seeiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore maaliqua. veniam,

        Mily Cyrus
        Food Expert

        Lorem ipsum dolor samconsectetuadipisicing elit, kjjnin khk seeiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore maaliqua. veniam,

        Mily Cyrus
        Food Expert
        Vanila Muffin

        Qty: 01

        Wheat Bread

        Qty: 01

        Mixed Fruits Pie

        Qty: 01

        • Subtotal$70
        • Shipping Charge$05
        • Total$75
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